Friday 21 June 2013

Friday 21st June 2013

As I settled down to depart Paddington I thought I would watch the Coke sharing can link that Kelli sent - on silent. To my horror, it wasn't on silent and I then fumbled around trying to stop the bloody thing - it was on full blast. I got a disparaging look - followed up by a tut from a member of The Penzance Massive who I recognise and have seen in action before.

Since departing, a very young baby has cried constantly and things are getting very interesting. Key members of The Massive have exchanged glances but confusion reigns as - once again - there is a technicality involved. Attention is focussing less on the baby and more on the parents - I think action will be taken before Newbury - just not sure what form it will take. Just pulling into Reading and tensions normally run quite high for the next 30 minutes - I am confident of despatching further up dates soon.

Bang!!! First verbal telling off. The tension that had been building via the crying baby and the joining of the great un-washed at Reading just had to find a release - and it did. A squaddie (of all people) ladened with rucksacks and bags wandered innocently into TQC looking for a seat - in mid conversation on the phone!!! He didn't stand a chance. He didn't hear the first member of The Massive pointing out the vicinity into which he had stumbled - but he did the second! A late forties female, whom I don't recognise, sprang to her feet and was waiting in the mid forties for him. The tried and tested, "This is the Quiet Carriage" was duly despatched - accompanied by a sarcastic smile, roll of the eyes, and shake of the head sent in the direction of other admiring Massive members.

As usually happens after an episode of this type, things have settled down and order appears to have been restored - its edgy though and things could turn ugly again quickly.